Operation: WASD for movement, Spacebar for interaction with the storage (Monster) and the selling point.

The further development of the original farming survivor.

This is a roguelike game (possibly roguelite in the future).

What you need to do is farming plants by moving on the different farmland grids. Once you step on a grid that is not in CD, it will automatically do farming stuff.

Players' goal is to survive as long as they can, by farming and collecting fruits of the plant, and send them to the monster's mouth.  

Players will get a random upgrade after each month, and get into the store page, buy props to strengthen their planting ability.


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Nice game, I could definitely see this on the play store with a little polish. The core gameplay loop works well for an addictive, frenzied experience. I like the superposition of friendly graphics and farming with the horror and frenzy of being eaten if you don't meet the goal.

One area which needs improvement is the UI; instead of having UI elements on the top right of the screen, think about where the player will mostly be looking (their character) and put the UI there, either as a diegetic element (a belt of seeds, a water can, something like that) or extra-diegetic element (like a health bar). For the plants as well, it's tricky to tell when a plant needs water from when it is growing. Instead of numbers of seconds until completion, think of a more instantly parsable format like a circular indicator filling, with one color per phase.

Good job overall though, polish it a bit and put it on stores!